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Zuchinni & Spinach Frittata

30 minutes

104 Calories per Serving

2 cups Zucchini sliced into little match sticks

1 cup packed fresh spinach leaves, chopped small

4 eggs, lightly beaten

2 cups cubed day old bread tightly packed

1 tablespoon garlic salt

1 tablespoon of miced garlic


Heat  oven to 350 degrees.


In a non-stick saute pan, heat enough olive oil to coat bottom evenly. Saute the zuchini and spinach until the zucchini is tender (remove from heat and drain excess oil.


In a medium bowl, lightly beat the eggs, add the bread crumbs, and remaining incredients.


Lightly grease a muffin tin and fill six of the forms 3/4 full. Bake 15 minutes or until the center is firm


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